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Fund raiser

We are planning a fund raising mini fiesta outside the Aloha bar to raise money for TASH, She is 22 and needs to go home to her family, she desperately needs mobility and equipment to support her at home and enable her to be with her family. She has been in hospital for months. We know there are other events on the Urb and urge you to give them your full support. We have artists who will perform and donate their fee and the girls in the bar have offered to donate their wages for the day. Her family also want to buy extra equipment for Torri hospital to help other people with her illness. I will post a date etc as soon as I know so please (as usual) support it, we need to raise 8000 total, we know how the Urb pulls together so PLEASE support all events, Thank you.

can you please state what bar the girls will donate their wages from for those like me that dont know,and tell them they are angels.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-01-16 16:49:45 UTC

From Aloha bar on Consum, don't forget the artists who will donate their fees

Commented [email protected] in La Marina 2016-01-16 16:59:25 UTC

i know nothing about this and i know it must be very sad,but its so nice to see something worthwhile on here,rather than the usual s**t.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2016-01-17 09:16:40 UTC